We all know that a good night’s sleep is good for our happiness and health. It helps rest our body and brain as well as keeping us feeling like ourselves. After all, I think everyone’s will agree after a night of little or no sleep; we just don’t feel right. But how much sleep do you really need? Moreover, how can you get more if you’re not getting enough? Let’s explore these questions and get some answers.  

Unfortunately, there’s no magic number when it comes to sleeping. Since everyone’s schedules and sleep routines vary, it can sometimes be hard to stick to a specific number. Moreover, sometimes trying to do so can add more stress and affect your sleeping, and that’s not good! A good rule of thumb for most people is to aim for seven to eight hours of shuteye a night. This means that you are getting enough sleep to keep you healthy, but not too much.  

So how can you tell if you’re getting enough sleep? The signs and symptoms of sleep deprivation may seem obvious, but to a tired brain, they may not be. Let’s break them down for you. If you experience more than normal sleepiness, you may be sleep deprived, and it’s time to get some shut eye. Moreover, if you’re doing a lot of yawning, your unusually irritable or have trouble concentrating these are all signs that you’re not getting enough sleep. Extreme symptoms of long term sleep deprivation include anxiety and hallucinations.  

If you are sleep deprived, there are several things you can do during the day and the night to make sure you’re getting your zzz’s. These include: getting enough sunshine or bright light during the day, but not in the evening, cutting back on caffeine after lunch and trying to set a proper sleep schedule for yourself. Also, make sure your bedroom is conducive to sleep. This means a cool, quiet, dark room with minimal distractions. Hint – leave your smartphone out of the bedroom! And if these tips don’t work? Talk to your doctor or health care professional about herbs and supplements that may help you get the sleep you need.  

With our busy, hectic lives, good quality sleep is more important than ever. Make sure you’re getting your seven to eight hours every night for optimal health. Sweet dreams!

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